Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blood Type Diet

People are always looking for a new, innovative approach to weight loss success. The Blood Type Diet offers a new way of looking at the way that we eat. The focus is on our circulatory systems and the specific type of blood in our systems. This unique approach may or may not hold water but it may be worth looking into for more information.

The Blood Type Diet is the brainstorm Peter D’Adamo. He believes that each blood type needs to have a specific eating plan catered to its general features. If you following the eating plan specified for your type you should be able to see great reduction in extra pound in a short while.

I find little wonder in that. I have A positive blood and my eating plan includes fruits and vegetables. This is not the ideal plan for a high protein weight loss fan. There are plenty of carbohydrates and not much of anything else on the type A plan. I have to agree that I will probably lose weight, but who wouldn’t?

The type A’s should not eat any diary or meat. Basically, we are the vegetarian group. This is really bad news for me because I like to eat a well balanced collection of foods. I never like to completely cut anything out of my eating plan. The Blood Type Diet may be a little restrictive for some.

However, the Blood Type Diet is not just about weight loss and weight regulation. This plan is designed to address a person’s general health. The people who fall under the type A category have certain health characteristics that are outlined by the Blood Type Diet. There are reasons to avoid dairy and meat for this group that goes beyond weight.

There is also the fact that the type A group can still enjoy fish and chicken on the plan. Realistically, I just don’t see myself sticking to the Blood Type Diet for long. Nevertheless, I am going to give it a serious try. We are not just dealing with maintaining a healthy weight; we are concerned with overall health.

I figure that I will give the plan two short weeks. If I feel better, have more energy and if I have dropped a few pounds I may continue the Blood Type Diet. I would rather feel great and be healthy than eat meat and dairy and day.

Benefit of green tea

When I first started drinking it, I was not even aware of the benefits of drinking green tea. I knew that it tasted good, and that was enough. My grandmother used to drink green tea all the time, and I grew up drinking it instead of soda. I have known for a long time that soda has many negative health consequences, and have been glad that I never got into the habit of consuming it. What I did not know was that what I was drinking in its place can actually help my health. But more and more, science has been discovering the benefits of green tea.

The most well-known benefit of green tea, of course, is its antioxidant effect. Of all of the benefits of green tea, this one is perhaps the most important for health. You see, antioxidants reduce the effects of free radicals, molecules which can age and prematurely destroy cells. Anything that has antioxidants is good for preventing free radical damage, but the benefits of green tea are much greater than for most antioxidants. Green tea can even help to prevent cancer, a fact only recently studied by science.

Another one of the benefits of green tea is its soothing effects. Although these come down largely to the fact that it is a warm, comforting liquid, nonetheless they are pronounced. A recent study suggests that tea drinkers, whether they drink black tea, green tea, or a white tea, have lower stress levels. Of course, you can get the same effect by drinking black tea, but since green tea has a lower dose of caffeine and more healthy antioxidants than black tea does, it is better for your health.

Many people like to take green tea concentrate as a way to try to increase its effects. The problem with this is that the benefits of green tea have mostly been studied with brewed tea. Although there is a good chance that capsules filled with tea would work every bit as well, it is not known for sure. To me it seems like a much better idea not to risk it. Enjoy a healthy couple every morning and every evening, and it is assured that you will enjoy the benefits of green tea. Not only will this be good for you, but you will get to savor the delicious taste as well. To me, there is nothing else like it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Massaging With Oil For Healthy Body And Mind

Go through the news paper classifieds; you will come across a good many advertisements of massage parlors mushrooming in your city. The reason is the paced life style and the bodily and mental stress. Therefore, people are after new and innovative products which can heal their stress the best. One of the best ways to massage is using aromatherapy massage oil. This way of using the oil is the proof of the old adage that says nature is the best healer.

Aromatherapy massage oils are the essential oils, the distilled liquid extracted from herbs, plants, from their barks, roots etc. It is their fragrance that is used in most cases for the soothing and healing purposes. Massage oils are, however, particularly used to release the tension inside your mind and body.

Well, when the talk is about massaging, there are several benefits that may charm you. It controls heart beats, maintains the normal blood pressure, improves the blood circulation inside your body, strengthens muscles, gives them flexibility enough.

You can use the aromatherapy massage oils for different purposes, like they can be used by pregnant woman so that the fatigue and pain as well uneasiness of pregnancy is removed. You can also use them on the baby to strengthen the muscle and joints of your child.

Aromatherapy massage oils are also used to reduce the swelling and heal any muscle injury. They improve the body posture and give it flexibility. Another great advantage is that they give you mental peace. They help in removing mental anxiety related to everyday life and enhance emotion to make your move in your social surrounding smoother. Also, the massage oils help in moisturizing your skin, that puts further glow in your skin and make it healthy.

Well, as aromatherapy massage oils are blends of various essential oils so that the benefits of each gets absorbed by your body while going through the massage session. But, you need to be cautious enough while making the blends as some oils do not get mixed with others. And, you need to be cautious also while doing or going for a session. The massage should be soft and smooth enough. You should also avoid touching those points where there is some pain. One can use a professional to apply essential oils on their body.

Anyway, you can find these oils in most of the stores near you where herbal and health products are sold. There is a huge variety of these oils and you can choose according to your purpose. Aromatherapy massage oils are sure to heal and relax your mind and body.

Healthy And Vigourous Old Age Life

Everyone wants to be healthy and vigorous throughout their life. But more so being healthy in old age is just like a boon. Since, old age brings with itself many health problems and if you are not taking complete care of yourself then these diseases becomes hard to cure and manage in old age. Here are given some useful health tips for old age:

Drink enough water:

It cleanses your body machinery and helps your heart in functioning well. Drinking of enough water will keep away chances of kidney stone and urine problem. It will also keep you looking young and active along with natural glow on your face.

Exercise regularly:

Inclusion of regular exercise in your daily life is the best health tips for old age. Exercising will not only help in promoting brain regeneration but also obviate decline in body parts. Practice any form on exercise depending on what you and your body can manage. Talk to you health care provider on what exercise you should undertake in your old age. Seniors can also use yoga which generates flexibility and balance in their body.

Well balanced diet:

Well balanced diet plays a very important part in keeping you healthy in old age. Avoid taking rich food like sweets, high stuffed and fried. As it will leave impact on your lever and may result in damaging it. You should add calcium rich diet as it will strengthen your bones. In old age teeth becomes week and so diet should also be soft cooked so that it intake is easy. Add fruits, vegetables and greens in your daily diet to maintain your health in old age. Proper nutritional food keeps many diseases away and also save you from common problems of aging. Addition of nutrition food can save from problem like obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis as these are generally prevalent nutrition related health problems which occur in old age.

Be happy and engage in recreational activities:

During old age, Factors like social isolation, low income and depression affect health in old age. Loneliness is a common problem in old age and leads to related problems. During this time, it becomes all the more important for seniors to take on some activity which occupy their time. Take part in social activities and indulge in pursuing your hobbies in spare time. Make friends and make use of their company to keep yourself active and happy.

Be happy and visit your doctor regularly:

During old age, seniors should take deep care of their health. This includes a regular visit to a health care professional. You should visit and consult your doctor regularly and try to implement all the suggestions and precautions given by your doctor.

Health in old age is not that hard to have and maintain. All you need is to follow some simple steps which can be easily included in your daily life without much effort. Most likely you are to know them already but now is the time to get started.