Saturday, May 3, 2008

Remedies For Your Healthy Life

Home remedies are now a days becoming popular day by day. It has lots of benefits. First of all the availability of all the material required to make or prepare a remedy is easily available in out house and kitchen or may be present in our surroundings. Secondly there is no side effect. This is also a major concern these days as the contemporary medicine casts a large amount of side effects. These home remedies are herbal based hence do not cause any side effects as these are the things that are very close to the nature and hence does not disturbs our bodies homeostasis.

One more benefit is also there. One saves a huge medical bills and doctors fee. These two things are very high and totally disturb the pocket size. Just by following these small-small remedy makes huge differences and you can get cured from most of the diseases. Below are some of the home remedies that are very effective in treating various ailments that other wise may be very tedious in treating.

Home Remedies for Backache

· Consuming garlic is one of the best remedy to treat back ache of every kind of pains in the body
· Boil 8 to 10 tulsi leaves in water. Boil till the water is left to half its amount. Let it to cool down and then add a pinch of salt in it. Consume this 3 to 4 table spoon of this twice daily. It helps in relieving from back pain.
· Consuming Guggul is very effective remedy in treating and avoiding the pain.
· Five black pepper, almost one gram of ginger and 10 Tulsi leaves are used to prepare an herbal tea. This tea is consumed twice daily. This tea is very helpful in reducing pain in the body.
· Ice is very helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation of the affected area when rubbed locally on that area.
· Consuming garlic flake is also very effective in treating the pain in back and arthritis condition.

Home Remedies for Headache

· Ashwagandha is very effective in treating headaches as it helps in suppressing vata dosha that is the main cause of pains in the body.
· Brahmi is another herb that is also very effective in treating the headache as it directly affects in releasing the spasm in the muscles especially in head region. Brahmi is also effective in enhancing the memory skills.
· Betel leaf commonly known as leaf of pan is highly recommended in head aches as it has both analgesic and cooling nature.
· Powder of sunthi (dried ginger) is extremely important in treating headache.
· The seeds of ajwain are also very effective in treating headaches.
· A towel dipped in cold water and rubbed on fore head is also very effective remedy in removing headache.

Home Remedies for Obesity

· Honey when taken with lime juice with hot water empty stomach is very effective in reducing the weight.
· Consuming tomato is also another good remedy to reduce the weight.
· Triphala is another herbal combination that is very effective in reducing the fat content in the body.
· Consuming cabbage is also very helpful in reducing weight. Whenever you eat food cabbage should definitely be included in diet.
· Two spoon of freshly derived lime juice in warm water is also a good remedy to decrease the weight.
· Consuming lemon tea is also a good method to reduce weight.

Life Skills For Teens

Picture the world at large as a vast ocean, awesome in its beauty and frightening in its power. You are the captain (or co-captain) of a family-owned ship that is traversing the waters. The crew has been with you for over a decade. Within a short time, several members of the crew will leave the ship to pilot boats of their own.

The ship in this metaphor is your home, the crew your family. The co-captains are the parents in charge of preparing their teenagers for independence. What abilities will these adolescents need in order to sail the waters of the world safely?

They will need the skills that are encapsulated by the acronym, "STORMS."

Time management
Organization and cleanliness
Money and finance
Stress management

Following is a brief description of each of these skills:


By the end of adolescence your children need to be capable of taking full responsibility for themselves. The most effective way to prepare them for this level of independent functioning is to gradually lessen your involvement in their daily lives and allow them to take the helm.

It is indeed difficult to let go. Yet, if you try to maintain control by deciding everything for them, you stifle their growth, endanger their self-esteem and run the risk of alienating them. Your role at this stage is to supervise your teenagers to make sure that they “stay the course,” i.e., remain within healthy guidelines.

Time Management

This skill overlaps with the previous one because utilizing time to meet one's needs is essential to self-care. Managing time well is evident, for example, when your teenager is able to awaken on time to meet the school bus, arrive promptly for appointments, and finish school projects before their deadlines.

A deficiency in time management may be caused by any number of factors beyond simple “laziness.” The cause may be physical, emotional or neurological. Therefore, if you see that your teenager is consistently late or seems unmotivated to get things done on time, it may be a sign that your child needs help. Consider all possibilities and seek guidance.

Organization and Cleanliness

You’ve already laid the groundwork for organizational ability by means of consistent and reliable parenting. In addition, you’ve probably spent many hours teaching your children to pick up their clothes and put their toys away.

Now it's time to close the door to their rooms if your adolescents are too messy by your standards. In that way, you can keep the rest of the house organized and your relationship with your adolescent intact.


Teenagers, while involved in peer relationships, still look to their parents for guidance. Parents and other important adults serve as role models for them. Take the opportunity whenever possible to validate your teenagers’ feelings by communicating with them in a mature, respectful manner.

Your ability to listen to an adolescent’s opinions, even when the latter are contrary to your own or seem to make no sense, will strengthen your relationship with each other.

Furthermore, adolescents are skilled observers of what goes on in the house. Therefore, the way that you handle conflicts and disagreements with other members of the family demonstrates to your children what they might expect when they try to speak up. When you control your own emotions, you create a safe environment in which adolescents can express themselves.

Money and Finance

Teaching one's teenagers how to handle money means that they need money of their own to spend. They can acquire money through birthday and holiday gifts, weekly allowances or payment for completing chores. The goal is for them to realize that they are using their own limited funds rather than spending money from an unlimited source.

Another way of preparing your teens for future budgeting is through storytelling. When you relate your own financial struggles as a young adult you convey a true, first-person account of what it’s like to live through lean times. Be careful, however, not to lecture your adolescents. They will learn best by hearing your stories and then drawing their own conclusions.

Stress Management

Stress management is an all-purpose skill that is useful in every area of life.

One might think that teenagers lead a stress-free life. But adolescence is a time of tremendous changes, both internal and external. As a result of these changes, our adolescents expect more of themselves and we expect more of them as well. Higher expectations, in turn, lead to higher levels of stress.

Stress management involves two crucial steps:

1) Awareness of signs of stress overload; e.g., changes in sleeping or eating patterns, avoidance and withdrawal from friends and family, or unexplained sadness or depression.

2) An ability to lower the stress level by means of healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, relaxation techniques and supportive relationships.

Many adolescents cope well with the stress in their lives, especially if they have close friends who can serve as confidants. However, even friends may not suffice if the pressure rises above a threshold that they can handle.

A Nautical Summary

Your adolescent is now ready to practice some crucial life skills. Stand back and watch them as they try to guide the ship through variable waters. When there is a squall ahead, do the best that you can, standing at your child’s elbow, reinforcing lessons already learned. Continue to manage the rest of the crew and model the behaviors that you want to see. It takes time to get through basic training. When they’re done, they will have the aptitude to steer through STORMS.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blood Type Diet

People are always looking for a new, innovative approach to weight loss success. The Blood Type Diet offers a new way of looking at the way that we eat. The focus is on our circulatory systems and the specific type of blood in our systems. This unique approach may or may not hold water but it may be worth looking into for more information.

The Blood Type Diet is the brainstorm Peter D’Adamo. He believes that each blood type needs to have a specific eating plan catered to its general features. If you following the eating plan specified for your type you should be able to see great reduction in extra pound in a short while.

I find little wonder in that. I have A positive blood and my eating plan includes fruits and vegetables. This is not the ideal plan for a high protein weight loss fan. There are plenty of carbohydrates and not much of anything else on the type A plan. I have to agree that I will probably lose weight, but who wouldn’t?

The type A’s should not eat any diary or meat. Basically, we are the vegetarian group. This is really bad news for me because I like to eat a well balanced collection of foods. I never like to completely cut anything out of my eating plan. The Blood Type Diet may be a little restrictive for some.

However, the Blood Type Diet is not just about weight loss and weight regulation. This plan is designed to address a person’s general health. The people who fall under the type A category have certain health characteristics that are outlined by the Blood Type Diet. There are reasons to avoid dairy and meat for this group that goes beyond weight.

There is also the fact that the type A group can still enjoy fish and chicken on the plan. Realistically, I just don’t see myself sticking to the Blood Type Diet for long. Nevertheless, I am going to give it a serious try. We are not just dealing with maintaining a healthy weight; we are concerned with overall health.

I figure that I will give the plan two short weeks. If I feel better, have more energy and if I have dropped a few pounds I may continue the Blood Type Diet. I would rather feel great and be healthy than eat meat and dairy and day.

Benefit of green tea

When I first started drinking it, I was not even aware of the benefits of drinking green tea. I knew that it tasted good, and that was enough. My grandmother used to drink green tea all the time, and I grew up drinking it instead of soda. I have known for a long time that soda has many negative health consequences, and have been glad that I never got into the habit of consuming it. What I did not know was that what I was drinking in its place can actually help my health. But more and more, science has been discovering the benefits of green tea.

The most well-known benefit of green tea, of course, is its antioxidant effect. Of all of the benefits of green tea, this one is perhaps the most important for health. You see, antioxidants reduce the effects of free radicals, molecules which can age and prematurely destroy cells. Anything that has antioxidants is good for preventing free radical damage, but the benefits of green tea are much greater than for most antioxidants. Green tea can even help to prevent cancer, a fact only recently studied by science.

Another one of the benefits of green tea is its soothing effects. Although these come down largely to the fact that it is a warm, comforting liquid, nonetheless they are pronounced. A recent study suggests that tea drinkers, whether they drink black tea, green tea, or a white tea, have lower stress levels. Of course, you can get the same effect by drinking black tea, but since green tea has a lower dose of caffeine and more healthy antioxidants than black tea does, it is better for your health.

Many people like to take green tea concentrate as a way to try to increase its effects. The problem with this is that the benefits of green tea have mostly been studied with brewed tea. Although there is a good chance that capsules filled with tea would work every bit as well, it is not known for sure. To me it seems like a much better idea not to risk it. Enjoy a healthy couple every morning and every evening, and it is assured that you will enjoy the benefits of green tea. Not only will this be good for you, but you will get to savor the delicious taste as well. To me, there is nothing else like it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Massaging With Oil For Healthy Body And Mind

Go through the news paper classifieds; you will come across a good many advertisements of massage parlors mushrooming in your city. The reason is the paced life style and the bodily and mental stress. Therefore, people are after new and innovative products which can heal their stress the best. One of the best ways to massage is using aromatherapy massage oil. This way of using the oil is the proof of the old adage that says nature is the best healer.

Aromatherapy massage oils are the essential oils, the distilled liquid extracted from herbs, plants, from their barks, roots etc. It is their fragrance that is used in most cases for the soothing and healing purposes. Massage oils are, however, particularly used to release the tension inside your mind and body.

Well, when the talk is about massaging, there are several benefits that may charm you. It controls heart beats, maintains the normal blood pressure, improves the blood circulation inside your body, strengthens muscles, gives them flexibility enough.

You can use the aromatherapy massage oils for different purposes, like they can be used by pregnant woman so that the fatigue and pain as well uneasiness of pregnancy is removed. You can also use them on the baby to strengthen the muscle and joints of your child.

Aromatherapy massage oils are also used to reduce the swelling and heal any muscle injury. They improve the body posture and give it flexibility. Another great advantage is that they give you mental peace. They help in removing mental anxiety related to everyday life and enhance emotion to make your move in your social surrounding smoother. Also, the massage oils help in moisturizing your skin, that puts further glow in your skin and make it healthy.

Well, as aromatherapy massage oils are blends of various essential oils so that the benefits of each gets absorbed by your body while going through the massage session. But, you need to be cautious enough while making the blends as some oils do not get mixed with others. And, you need to be cautious also while doing or going for a session. The massage should be soft and smooth enough. You should also avoid touching those points where there is some pain. One can use a professional to apply essential oils on their body.

Anyway, you can find these oils in most of the stores near you where herbal and health products are sold. There is a huge variety of these oils and you can choose according to your purpose. Aromatherapy massage oils are sure to heal and relax your mind and body.

Healthy And Vigourous Old Age Life

Everyone wants to be healthy and vigorous throughout their life. But more so being healthy in old age is just like a boon. Since, old age brings with itself many health problems and if you are not taking complete care of yourself then these diseases becomes hard to cure and manage in old age. Here are given some useful health tips for old age:

Drink enough water:

It cleanses your body machinery and helps your heart in functioning well. Drinking of enough water will keep away chances of kidney stone and urine problem. It will also keep you looking young and active along with natural glow on your face.

Exercise regularly:

Inclusion of regular exercise in your daily life is the best health tips for old age. Exercising will not only help in promoting brain regeneration but also obviate decline in body parts. Practice any form on exercise depending on what you and your body can manage. Talk to you health care provider on what exercise you should undertake in your old age. Seniors can also use yoga which generates flexibility and balance in their body.

Well balanced diet:

Well balanced diet plays a very important part in keeping you healthy in old age. Avoid taking rich food like sweets, high stuffed and fried. As it will leave impact on your lever and may result in damaging it. You should add calcium rich diet as it will strengthen your bones. In old age teeth becomes week and so diet should also be soft cooked so that it intake is easy. Add fruits, vegetables and greens in your daily diet to maintain your health in old age. Proper nutritional food keeps many diseases away and also save you from common problems of aging. Addition of nutrition food can save from problem like obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis as these are generally prevalent nutrition related health problems which occur in old age.

Be happy and engage in recreational activities:

During old age, Factors like social isolation, low income and depression affect health in old age. Loneliness is a common problem in old age and leads to related problems. During this time, it becomes all the more important for seniors to take on some activity which occupy their time. Take part in social activities and indulge in pursuing your hobbies in spare time. Make friends and make use of their company to keep yourself active and happy.

Be happy and visit your doctor regularly:

During old age, seniors should take deep care of their health. This includes a regular visit to a health care professional. You should visit and consult your doctor regularly and try to implement all the suggestions and precautions given by your doctor.

Health in old age is not that hard to have and maintain. All you need is to follow some simple steps which can be easily included in your daily life without much effort. Most likely you are to know them already but now is the time to get started.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Healthy Living With Good Diet And Exercise

Being appreciative offers many benefits to your wellbeing. The good news is anyone can find something to genuinely appreciate if they look for beauty around them. The feeling of appreciation is one of the easiest positive emotions to generate within you. When you feel sincere appreciation you can increase your heart rhythm coherence, reduce emotional stress and improve your health. Harmonious heart rhythms are considered to be indicators of cardiovascular efficiency and strength as well as assisting nervous system balance.

From the lyrics of a famous Disney song, "A dream is a wish your heart makes" why not let it! Dreaming puts you in a state of hope, another positive emotion that creates harmonious biochemical effects within your body. Dreaming, or visualizing, is also an important tool in achievement. Your brain doesn't know the difference between what is reality, and what you create as reality according to Maxwell Maltz in his book Psycho-Cybernetics. So seeing becomes believing, when positive emotion is attached. Dreaming creates joy, enthusiasm and energy raising your vibration level as well. Other positive, like-minded, "Blue Sky" Thinkers will be drawn to you and you'll find your life full of wonderful relationships and visions realized.

Relationships of any kind, and feeling connected to others has a powerful influence on our wellbeing. Positive emotional connections with other people enhance not only the quality of our lives but also strengthen our basic survival. When you enjoy an energy-giving relationship, you appreciate and look forward to spending time with that person creating a sense of future. Lonely people tend to focus on just getting through the day increasing their risk of dis-ease in the body. People that feel cared for and supported by others have proven to have significantly less blockage in their coronary arteries, chest pains and heart disease. Feelings of love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us well and when in lack, what makes us sick. Clearly, companionship plays a vital role in our health, wellbeing and longevity.

What's done is done. It is said that the most difficult thing to do in life is to give love when you feel you've been treated unfairly. Learning to give love regardless of what has happened or been done to you is empowering. It may seem challenging to let go of hurt feelings, but it is really in your best interest to do so. Harboring negative feelings toward another only increases the levels of stress hormones in your body, constricts your blood vessels and raises blood pressure putting excess strain on your heart and weakening your immune system. When you choose forgiveness, you are at peace...and you may be surprised to find how easy it becomes when you soften your heart. You will find you have to forgive less often when you come from a place of love. Love is a positive high frequency emotion which can heal and help us overcome. When you are love, you give it freely and it is returned to you abundantly. Fewer situations will arise that bring personal hurt.

Whether you laugh naturally or you learn to include the behavior it has important influence on your heart. Exercising, not smoking and eating foods low in saturated fat will reduce the risk of heart disease however hearty laughter should be added to the list. You actually reduce your risk of experiencing a heart attack when you include humor in your daily life. Laughter produces Endorphins, "natural endogenous morphine-like substances, or simply put, your body's natural pain killer. The key to your longevity? Incorporate humor and laugher into your daily activities, just as you would other heart-healthy activities, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Perhaps there's something to be learned from someone that is "light-hearted"!

Nicole is an accomplished Motivational Speaker and Success Coach. She has over 17 years of experience helping people achieve incredible levels of personal and professional success, health and prosperity. Her extensive training in the areas of mind-body synergy and verbal / non-verbal communication coupled with extensive self improvement, sales and time mastery skills have provided many clients with unparalleled success. She focuses her efforts on working with clients and organizations using a synergistic approach to solving complex issues resulting in substantial bottom line improvements. Focusing on up to date methods such as tele-classes, seminars, workshops and web based services, Nicole uses a variety of techniques and tools to deliver and teach necessary life-skills and business-skills to her varied clients. Nicole is a certified professional who has a passion for coaching others to find happiness and achieve a balance in every aspect of their life.

Simple Good Health For Good Living

Good health is easy but being sick is hard. The truth is, maintaining good health is pretty simple although reclaiming it takes patience, consistent actions and smart choices. Your body heals at it's own pace. Your job is to help that process along. There are four important components that determine a person's level of health.

Component One: Is their body being fed what it needs to be healthy? From the point of view of the body, many meals today barely qualify as food. That's why disease care is a trillion dollar business and over 60% of Americans are overweight.An amazing amount of the American diet is packed with calories carrying no real nutrition. Like good health, eating vital, real food is easy, but that is a decision you have to make.

Component Two: Does the person have a cork stuck up their butt? Are they constipated? Can the body eliminate toxins effectively? Other organs get constipated besides the bowels. Most diseases involve the starvation or constriction of a group of organs. Often food is clogging the machinery. Some foods clog and others clean. Some foods support the health of the organs and others destroy them.

Component Three: Do they feel loved? There's nothing like loving when it comes to good health. People in loving relationships eat together. The quality of the food is an expression of their affection. Most of good health is attitude and self-image and they're linked to how you love. Continuously work on improving your ability to love and good health is easy.

Component Four: Do they enjoy their work and feel they make a contribution, even if it seems frivolous to someone else? This attitude is often more important to good health than what it is you actually do, or how much you earn. It's being connected, valued and on a mission. It keeps the inner flame alive and like love, offers that most valuable asset to healing, a sense of hope. Patiently improve these four components and good health is easy.

Now, cut yourself some slack. Health challenges make people feel guilty, stupid or victimized. Whether you believe you create your own health or that problems simply fall out of the sky, realize that these days, good health barely seems like an option for many people. Health education has fallen down on the job and the result is a trillion dollar plus medical bill. Part of the problem is that the conscious mind wasn't designed to be responsible for your health. Read that again.

Your conscious mind doesn't have the job skills, although it can be a good helper. Finding healthy foods and detoxification are managed by the autonomic (read automatic) nervous system. For example: When you're low in a certain nutrient, this is what the body does. All blood flows through the liver, the largest internal organ, which notes that the blood is low in that nutrient, so it sends a message to the tongue, forming a crystalline pattern in the saliva, that mimics the food that contains that nutrient.

Now the nose, who is in the same neighborhood, sniffs out that food and then it's lunch. This message process bypasses the conscious mind. But modern foods don't offer the choices that the autonomic system requires to maintain good health. It's that simple. A major portion of the American diet is glue; hybridized wheat and cow dairy, cheap, plentiful, with a great profit margin. Wheat is high in gluten (GLUtEn) and cow dairy is high in casein, like the white craft glue from Elmer's. That's why their logo is Elsie the Cow.

Now manufacturers have found an even cheaper food; soy, high in the estrogens that promote obesity and hormonal challenges, which is one of the reasons why today's generation possesses half of the fertility of their grandparent's generation. Choosing to eat these glues causes many people's poor level of health. The body's design requires graceful, gradual change. As you move forward in your healing, realize the pace at which the body restores itself has to do with the design of the cell.

When the body makes a new cell, it will design it for the quantity of nutrition present at the time the cell is created. The body doesn't like to waste resources so it won't create a cell capable of processing huge amounts of nutrition if there's only a fraction of that floating around. When you improve your diet and add supplements, the current cells have very real limits as to what they can use. However, when you maintain high levels of nutrition, the next generation of cells will be created with an increased capability. Even they won't be running at their full potential, because in order to fit in with the previous matrix, their lower capabilities have to overlap the higher capabilities of their weaker predecessors.

As you maintain that high level of nutrition, the following generations will push those limits up another step and another step and so on. That's why it takes a while to reach optimal health. For example, a red blood cell has a life span of 120 days, so how many cellular generations will it take to reach your fullest potential? Then to maintain good health you need to keep providing high levels of nutrition through making smart food choices and active supplementation.

In other words, once you start dancing, keep dancing! The three habits that lead to good health are: Be consistent, be patient and always aim to improve all four components; good nutrition, effective detoxification, good loving and good work.