Saturday, May 3, 2008

Remedies For Your Healthy Life

Home remedies are now a days becoming popular day by day. It has lots of benefits. First of all the availability of all the material required to make or prepare a remedy is easily available in out house and kitchen or may be present in our surroundings. Secondly there is no side effect. This is also a major concern these days as the contemporary medicine casts a large amount of side effects. These home remedies are herbal based hence do not cause any side effects as these are the things that are very close to the nature and hence does not disturbs our bodies homeostasis.

One more benefit is also there. One saves a huge medical bills and doctors fee. These two things are very high and totally disturb the pocket size. Just by following these small-small remedy makes huge differences and you can get cured from most of the diseases. Below are some of the home remedies that are very effective in treating various ailments that other wise may be very tedious in treating.

Home Remedies for Backache

· Consuming garlic is one of the best remedy to treat back ache of every kind of pains in the body
· Boil 8 to 10 tulsi leaves in water. Boil till the water is left to half its amount. Let it to cool down and then add a pinch of salt in it. Consume this 3 to 4 table spoon of this twice daily. It helps in relieving from back pain.
· Consuming Guggul is very effective remedy in treating and avoiding the pain.
· Five black pepper, almost one gram of ginger and 10 Tulsi leaves are used to prepare an herbal tea. This tea is consumed twice daily. This tea is very helpful in reducing pain in the body.
· Ice is very helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation of the affected area when rubbed locally on that area.
· Consuming garlic flake is also very effective in treating the pain in back and arthritis condition.

Home Remedies for Headache

· Ashwagandha is very effective in treating headaches as it helps in suppressing vata dosha that is the main cause of pains in the body.
· Brahmi is another herb that is also very effective in treating the headache as it directly affects in releasing the spasm in the muscles especially in head region. Brahmi is also effective in enhancing the memory skills.
· Betel leaf commonly known as leaf of pan is highly recommended in head aches as it has both analgesic and cooling nature.
· Powder of sunthi (dried ginger) is extremely important in treating headache.
· The seeds of ajwain are also very effective in treating headaches.
· A towel dipped in cold water and rubbed on fore head is also very effective remedy in removing headache.

Home Remedies for Obesity

· Honey when taken with lime juice with hot water empty stomach is very effective in reducing the weight.
· Consuming tomato is also another good remedy to reduce the weight.
· Triphala is another herbal combination that is very effective in reducing the fat content in the body.
· Consuming cabbage is also very helpful in reducing weight. Whenever you eat food cabbage should definitely be included in diet.
· Two spoon of freshly derived lime juice in warm water is also a good remedy to decrease the weight.
· Consuming lemon tea is also a good method to reduce weight.