Saturday, May 3, 2008

Remedies For Your Healthy Life

Home remedies are now a days becoming popular day by day. It has lots of benefits. First of all the availability of all the material required to make or prepare a remedy is easily available in out house and kitchen or may be present in our surroundings. Secondly there is no side effect. This is also a major concern these days as the contemporary medicine casts a large amount of side effects. These home remedies are herbal based hence do not cause any side effects as these are the things that are very close to the nature and hence does not disturbs our bodies homeostasis.

One more benefit is also there. One saves a huge medical bills and doctors fee. These two things are very high and totally disturb the pocket size. Just by following these small-small remedy makes huge differences and you can get cured from most of the diseases. Below are some of the home remedies that are very effective in treating various ailments that other wise may be very tedious in treating.

Home Remedies for Backache

· Consuming garlic is one of the best remedy to treat back ache of every kind of pains in the body
· Boil 8 to 10 tulsi leaves in water. Boil till the water is left to half its amount. Let it to cool down and then add a pinch of salt in it. Consume this 3 to 4 table spoon of this twice daily. It helps in relieving from back pain.
· Consuming Guggul is very effective remedy in treating and avoiding the pain.
· Five black pepper, almost one gram of ginger and 10 Tulsi leaves are used to prepare an herbal tea. This tea is consumed twice daily. This tea is very helpful in reducing pain in the body.
· Ice is very helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation of the affected area when rubbed locally on that area.
· Consuming garlic flake is also very effective in treating the pain in back and arthritis condition.

Home Remedies for Headache

· Ashwagandha is very effective in treating headaches as it helps in suppressing vata dosha that is the main cause of pains in the body.
· Brahmi is another herb that is also very effective in treating the headache as it directly affects in releasing the spasm in the muscles especially in head region. Brahmi is also effective in enhancing the memory skills.
· Betel leaf commonly known as leaf of pan is highly recommended in head aches as it has both analgesic and cooling nature.
· Powder of sunthi (dried ginger) is extremely important in treating headache.
· The seeds of ajwain are also very effective in treating headaches.
· A towel dipped in cold water and rubbed on fore head is also very effective remedy in removing headache.

Home Remedies for Obesity

· Honey when taken with lime juice with hot water empty stomach is very effective in reducing the weight.
· Consuming tomato is also another good remedy to reduce the weight.
· Triphala is another herbal combination that is very effective in reducing the fat content in the body.
· Consuming cabbage is also very helpful in reducing weight. Whenever you eat food cabbage should definitely be included in diet.
· Two spoon of freshly derived lime juice in warm water is also a good remedy to decrease the weight.
· Consuming lemon tea is also a good method to reduce weight.

Life Skills For Teens

Picture the world at large as a vast ocean, awesome in its beauty and frightening in its power. You are the captain (or co-captain) of a family-owned ship that is traversing the waters. The crew has been with you for over a decade. Within a short time, several members of the crew will leave the ship to pilot boats of their own.

The ship in this metaphor is your home, the crew your family. The co-captains are the parents in charge of preparing their teenagers for independence. What abilities will these adolescents need in order to sail the waters of the world safely?

They will need the skills that are encapsulated by the acronym, "STORMS."

Time management
Organization and cleanliness
Money and finance
Stress management

Following is a brief description of each of these skills:


By the end of adolescence your children need to be capable of taking full responsibility for themselves. The most effective way to prepare them for this level of independent functioning is to gradually lessen your involvement in their daily lives and allow them to take the helm.

It is indeed difficult to let go. Yet, if you try to maintain control by deciding everything for them, you stifle their growth, endanger their self-esteem and run the risk of alienating them. Your role at this stage is to supervise your teenagers to make sure that they “stay the course,” i.e., remain within healthy guidelines.

Time Management

This skill overlaps with the previous one because utilizing time to meet one's needs is essential to self-care. Managing time well is evident, for example, when your teenager is able to awaken on time to meet the school bus, arrive promptly for appointments, and finish school projects before their deadlines.

A deficiency in time management may be caused by any number of factors beyond simple “laziness.” The cause may be physical, emotional or neurological. Therefore, if you see that your teenager is consistently late or seems unmotivated to get things done on time, it may be a sign that your child needs help. Consider all possibilities and seek guidance.

Organization and Cleanliness

You’ve already laid the groundwork for organizational ability by means of consistent and reliable parenting. In addition, you’ve probably spent many hours teaching your children to pick up their clothes and put their toys away.

Now it's time to close the door to their rooms if your adolescents are too messy by your standards. In that way, you can keep the rest of the house organized and your relationship with your adolescent intact.


Teenagers, while involved in peer relationships, still look to their parents for guidance. Parents and other important adults serve as role models for them. Take the opportunity whenever possible to validate your teenagers’ feelings by communicating with them in a mature, respectful manner.

Your ability to listen to an adolescent’s opinions, even when the latter are contrary to your own or seem to make no sense, will strengthen your relationship with each other.

Furthermore, adolescents are skilled observers of what goes on in the house. Therefore, the way that you handle conflicts and disagreements with other members of the family demonstrates to your children what they might expect when they try to speak up. When you control your own emotions, you create a safe environment in which adolescents can express themselves.

Money and Finance

Teaching one's teenagers how to handle money means that they need money of their own to spend. They can acquire money through birthday and holiday gifts, weekly allowances or payment for completing chores. The goal is for them to realize that they are using their own limited funds rather than spending money from an unlimited source.

Another way of preparing your teens for future budgeting is through storytelling. When you relate your own financial struggles as a young adult you convey a true, first-person account of what it’s like to live through lean times. Be careful, however, not to lecture your adolescents. They will learn best by hearing your stories and then drawing their own conclusions.

Stress Management

Stress management is an all-purpose skill that is useful in every area of life.

One might think that teenagers lead a stress-free life. But adolescence is a time of tremendous changes, both internal and external. As a result of these changes, our adolescents expect more of themselves and we expect more of them as well. Higher expectations, in turn, lead to higher levels of stress.

Stress management involves two crucial steps:

1) Awareness of signs of stress overload; e.g., changes in sleeping or eating patterns, avoidance and withdrawal from friends and family, or unexplained sadness or depression.

2) An ability to lower the stress level by means of healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, relaxation techniques and supportive relationships.

Many adolescents cope well with the stress in their lives, especially if they have close friends who can serve as confidants. However, even friends may not suffice if the pressure rises above a threshold that they can handle.

A Nautical Summary

Your adolescent is now ready to practice some crucial life skills. Stand back and watch them as they try to guide the ship through variable waters. When there is a squall ahead, do the best that you can, standing at your child’s elbow, reinforcing lessons already learned. Continue to manage the rest of the crew and model the behaviors that you want to see. It takes time to get through basic training. When they’re done, they will have the aptitude to steer through STORMS.